Steve McIntyre, principal urban environment consultant at biophilic infrastructure specialists ANS Global, takes the perplexity out of new biodiversity net gain requirements with green solutions, such as living walls.
New data from Spring and Propalt has revealed the areas in the UK where rental properties have the worst EPC ratings, with Cleethorpes scoring highest.
Mark Dowdeswell, senior category manager at Uponor, explains why district heating networks offer housebuilders and developers a viable way to decarbonise their housing stock and help to reduce energy bills for residents.
In this article, Wondrwall explains to PBC Today the need for the increased use of AI and automation in the pathway to net zero and the digital energy revolution.
In this article, Barny Evans, sustainability director at Turley explains to PBC Today how processes and systems to address the effects of climate change can be reformed to tackle 'urban heatwaves' and the impact of a rising climate on city infrastructure.
In this article, Tom Garrigan, technical director at BSRIA explains how climate change and extreme heat in homes are changing the way that buildings need to perform in the future.
In this article, Willmott Dixon Interiors explains how the company is meeting sustainability targets and creating a greener community through their 'industry leading' Now or Never sustainability strategy.
Karen McFadden, tax relief expert at Catax, takes a deep dive into the subject of green construction exploring the importance of supply chains for companies to achieve net zero targets.
Chantel Scheepers, CEO of OakTree Power, explains how old infrastructures don't need to be overhauled to achieve net zero if, with the help of DSR technology, a building's energy consumption can be properly assessed.
The annual RICS Sustainability Report has been released today (22 September), which highlights a rise in demand for sustainable commercial property in the UK, however the built environment must progress on decarbonisation.
Karlo Jacutan, UK Flat Roofing, explores the current state of sustainability in construction and how homes, properties and businesses are becoming more eco-friendly.
The Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard initiative has appointed Related Argent’s chairman, David Partridge, as chair of its recently convened governance board.
Insulation specialist Actis has reported that it is seeing a rise in retrofit insulation enquiries following the latest leaps in fuel prices - driven in part by the shorter payback period in carrying out retrofit improvements.