Changes to the construction industry could cut the emissions generated from buildings and infrastructure in cities by 44% by 2050, according to new research.
The heat efficiency of a Grade II listed Georgian townhouse in Bath is set to be drastically improved due to the introduction of Spacetherm® Multi insulation.
Plans for Drax Power to install four new gas turbines in North Yorkshire have been given the go-ahead, as energy minister Andrea Leadsom overturns a decision by the UK’s Planning Inspectorate.
A new green standard for new build homes aims to bring an environmental revolution to home building, in the hope of combating climate change while keeping household bills low.
Morgan Sindall Infrastructure anncounced the latest development in its commitment to community support as it joins Cumbria’s Energy Coast University Technical College’s (UTC) Trust Board as a Member organisation.
In the week where world leaders gathered for the UN Climate Action Summit in New York to discuss new ways for tackling global warming, Willmott Dixon held a special event to mark its own contribution to reducing greenhouse gases.
Thrive, the sustainability division of architects Chetwoods, has been appointed by logistics developer Gazeley as its specialist environmental, social and governance (ESG) consultant.
An application by Drax to build a gas power station in Abergelli to has been approved by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
A new specification championing a holistic approach to retrofitting is an important step in the battle to improve the thermal efficiency of Britain’s aged housing stock.
The innovative green wall, one of the largest outside of London, will stretch across the outside of the upper floor of St Johns Shopping Centre, visible from the pedestrianised areas around it and from Queens Square Bus Station.
Architects, developers and surveyors will be given a chance to learn about the latest developments in the thermal, acoustic and HVAC sectors at a conference.
Nicola Sturgeon’s Programme for Government lacks the ambition, scale and courage required to tackle inequality and the climate emergency, the Scottish Green Party has said.