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More clarity needed for EPC targets, say HBF

The BPF have again urged the government to clarify their proposed raising of minimum EPC targets in new builds.

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The Latest Construction Sector Energy News

Study reveals knowledge gap on value of sustainable buildings

Ramboll has launched its Sustainable Buildings Market Study (SBMS), revealing insights from architects, developers, contractors and investors across the UK and Scandinavia.

WorldGBC to focus on embodied carbon across construction industry

The WorldGBC to is focus on end-to-end carbon emissions created across the building and construction industry for World Green Building Week.

Orkney Council backs £28.5m ‘smart energy island’

Orkney Islands Council has backed the development of the £28.5m ReFLEX Orkney project which could maximise the potential for renewable energy generation in the area.

Final Call for entries to the IES Martin Gough Student Award

The deadline is approaching for the Martin Gough Student Award, seeking excellence in research based on Apache and thermal simulation.

Waitrose to launch ‘invisible door’ to tackle rising energy bills

Waitrose & Partners is to launch an ‘invisible door’ that has the potential to save retailers in the UK a combined £1.5bn per year by reducing their energy bills.

Viridor to build ‘groundbreaking’ £65m plastic recycling plant

Viridor has announced a project which will harness the electricity created from non-recyclable waste at its £252m energy recovery facility at Avonmouth to power a new £65m plastic recycling plant.

BSRIA global air conditioning study reveals connectivity uptake

The recently published BSRIA market intelligence study on the global air conditioning (AC) market continued to show growth in 2018.

Swansea Bay Energy Island proposes floating modular homes

New plans for a tidal lagoon and floating modular homes as part of a renewable energy development in Swansea Bay are financially viable, according to an independent report.

ENGIE to handle £25m repairs and maintenance contract

ENGIE has been awarded a 10 year contract worth £25m after a tender process which set a high benchmark for housing repairs and value for money.

Why we should be saving energy: A manifesto for saving the planet

Dr Don McLean, IES Founder and CEO, discussing the importance of saving energy in the ever-growing need to save the planet as a whole.

Overcoming the human ‘cognitive biases’ that prevent climate action

Dr Don McLean, IES founder and CEO, discusses how their new IES technology will make it possible to create a Digital Twin of any community to simulate its lifecycle and plan the right solutions, addressing a number of negative cognitive biases.

Mears to deliver gas servicing to over 18,000 properties

Mears Group has partnered with Longhurst Group to deliver gas breakdown, gas servicing and gas installations as part of a ten year contract.

UK housebuilders: A Future Homes Standard to tackle climate emergency?

Gwyn Roberts, homes and communities lead at BRE, says UK housebuilders should take the initiative now to ensure better performance through higher quality.

Skanska UK pledges to be carbon neutral by 2045

Skanska UK has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2045; its new carbon reduction target includes cutting all direct and supply chain emissions.

IES: New model for visualising real-time energy data

Pioneering 3D community interaction model created by IES to visualise real-time energy data online and via 147inch touch screen

BSRIA extends UKAS accreditation for domestic hot water heat pumps

BSRIA has successfully extended the scope of its UKAS accreditation to include testing of domestic hot water heat pumps in accordance with BS EN 16147:2017.

Study: ‘Over-design’ of UK buildings driving energy consumption

Heating, cooling and electrical systems regularly designed with up to 50% more electrical capacity than they will ever need, according to a study led by Ramboll.

UKGB unveils framework for net zero carbon buildings

The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has unveiled a framework for the UK construction and property industry to transition new and existing buildings to become net zero carbon by 2050.

Cadent announces expansion of innovative ‘gas-bots’

Gas distribution network Cadent has announced a major expansion of its robotics scheme across North London.

Energiesprong targets net zero energy for apartments in Europe

After a successful start bringing the Dutch Energiesprong to Europe, the next three years aims to make net-zero energy suitable for apartment buildings across North West Europe.

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