ENGIE has entered into a pioneering Joint Venture with Newcastle City Council (NCC) to develop and operate district energy schemes within the city over a 40-year term.
Recent research by Roof Stores has outlined eco-house designs to help property buyers find their next eco-friendly housing while reducing their carbon footprint.
UK property developer Argent has secured a £400m loan facility on behalf of the King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership (KCCLP) to support the development of two of the world’s greenest office buildings.
The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has launched a new industry task group which will develop an industry-led definition for net zero carbon buildings.
The Early Learning Village, Singapore; the Musee d’Arts de Nantes; and the National Gallery of Ireland are just three of the entries shortlisted for the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Building Performance Awards 2019.
In August, London joined 18 other cities, including Paris, New York, Sydney and Tokyo, representing a total of 130 million citizens, in pledging to ensure that new buildings operate at net zero carbon by 2030
Research pioneered at Swansea University to create “active” buildings that generate their own clean energy has received a multi-million pound boost from the government
The first development of Active Homes that are able to store, generate and release solar heat and electricity, are now under construction in south Wales
Within the next 20 years, it is estimated that as a planet, we will reach our peak capacity for oil consumption. As global production of all oil decreases, demand continues to increase, and this is no different when it comes to the construction industry
As part of the ongoing regeneration of the Craigmillar area in Edinburgh, a new housing development comprising 75 affordable homes is preparing for the installation of a district heating network
The multi-disciplinary design and engineering company, has been appointed to the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) framework to deliver a range of technical engineering services in support of its UK fusion programme.
Crispin Matson explores Ramboll’s role in the Wembley Park project and looks at the challenges of designing a district heating network on such a large scale
Dr Justin Searle, technology director of the SPECIFIC Innovation & Knowledge Centre at Swansea University, discusses a project that is harnessing technology to create ‘enery-positive’ structures
Dr Terry Keech’s recent study into the barriers to achieving mass low carbon social housing has highlighted the knock-on effect planning policy can have on the entire supply chain. Here, he explains why
A new poll published by the CPRE and Friends of the Earth has revealed that an overwhelming majority (80%) of Conservative councillors believe that planning applications should be required in areas where fracking companies have a license to drill
The recently published BSRIA study on Global Heat Pumps in May 2018 indicates sales of hydronic heat pumps progressed at a fast rate in 2017. Year-on-year, sales of hydronic heat pumps had a sustained growth of 32% to a global value of €5.7bn
The vast majority (78%) of people consider the environmentally sustainable performance of a building important when choosing a new home, according to a recent survey by BLP Insurance