Kevin Bohea, President of the British Rigid Urethane Foam Manufacturers Association (BRUFMA) examines the challenges ahead for energy efficiency policy
Domestic energy efficiency upgrades should be backed by a quality mark to protect homeowners, says new review from BRE chief
A review into domestic energy...
National Energy Foundation energy specialist, Jane Richardson Hawkes, says carbon offsetting can help local authorities fund energy efficiency improvements
Carbon offsetting makes a significant contribution...
Plans to use water from the River Clyde to heat homes and businesses have taken a step forward after the local authority agreed to secure funding for the scheme
A series of reports from the Committee on Climate Change have warned the government is failing in its commitment to cut emissions and develop the UK’s heating policies…
The use of full-fill cavity wall insulation in areas of very severe exposure to wind-driven rain requires a professional approach as explained by Knauf Insulation.