Engineering work on the railway in Wales has been made safer with the end of human lookouts which are used to warn the workforce of approaching trains.
Mental health initiatives may not be reaching the right people in the construction industry, leading to an increased risk of suicide, researchers at Glasgow Caledonian University have warned.
Pimlico Plumbers has become the UK’s largest independent home services company to enforce a ‘no jab, no job’ policy as part of its latest recruitment drive.
An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that Dean Coslett, trading as Dorset Boiler Company, carried out illegal gas work and breached an HSE Prohibition Notice.
As people start to return to offices, George Adams, director of energy and engineering at Spie UK, looks at how technology can help make ensure buildings are safe, healthy and more sustainable places to be now and in the long term.
Despite the name, 3D Repo is championing the use of 4D in construction, whether for health and safety, planning, BIM or creating digital twins. Find out more here.
The Building a Safer Future (BSF) Charter has launched its 'Charter Champion’ initiative to help companies drive the systemic culture change required to put building safety first.
Two construction companies have been fined after a worker was seriously injured when a part of an air conditioning plant fell on him while it was being lowered from a roof.
93% of people managing projects in construction say their mental wellbeing has been negatively impacted by their main project, with 27% strongly agreeing with this statement.
The Health & Safety Executive has joined forces with the Construction Leadership Council to encourage the whole industry to start a conversation about employee stress