Sulzer Electro Mechanical Services has been fined £86,000 after two workers were thrown from the chuck of a large vertical boring machine and seriously injured.
Camden Council has submitted claims to recover costs from the contractor PFIC, who previously had responsibility for refurbishment and maintenance of the Chalcots Estate, under a private agreement with the council.
Unique Envelope Façade Solutions has been fined £20,160 after failing to protect its self-employed workers from the risk of a cable strike explosion or electrocution whilst carrying out repairs.
The director of a waste transfer company has been banned from taking a directorial role after he knowingly exposed his employees to serious unsafe conditions.
A self-employed roofer has been sentenced after leaving a gas appliance flue in a dangerous condition leading to a carbon monoxide release when he removed a chimney stack from a property.
As temperatures fall, more of us are switching on the heating in our homes, but new figures reveal a hidden danger in doing so due to unsafe gas appliances in some areas of the UK.
Groundworks contractor, G&R Groundworks, has been fined £32,400 after an operative struck an underground electricity cable resulting in multiple serious burn injuries.
An unregistered gas engineer has been ordered to carry out 120 hours of community service after he carried out gas work at a GP Practice without being on the Gas Safe Register.
Managing director of AR Demolition, Richard Dolman, has urged contractors to re-think scaffolding to increase levels of safety, efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Following the release of the HSE’s annual figures for Great Britain, Mates in Mind urges employers to ensure that they are investing in their people rather than paying lip service to address mental health in the workplace.
Margaret Hanson, chief executive of national mental health and wellbeing charity Imagine Independence, calls for a unified culture change to tackle mental illness in the construction sector.
The British Safety Council looks at the work-based causes of worker fatigue and seeks to identify what can be done to reduce stress and improve communication.
As the UK remains in turmoil over Brexit, SMEs around the country appear to be growing nervous on the potential effects of safety measures on construction sites.
Unite has warned that new figures from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reveal a rise in construction injuries and a fall in prosecutions, which undermines recent improvements in safety.
An engineering company has been sentenced after a worker suffered serious injuries to her arm and hand when she became entangled in a spindle drilling machine.
The mother of a young girl who died from an asthma attack linked to air pollution is to demand action from the building engineering sector and politicians at an industry conference in November.