Mark Clare, Chief Executive of Barratt Developments, has warned that a shortage of skilled workers could prevent the country from tackling the housing crisis.
A new London-based scheme will receive £2m worth of funding to help tackle the shortage of skilled construction workers in the area.
Mayor of London...
Mott MacDonald and Birmingham City University are to enter a partnership to teach construction students how to problems solve and to develop people skills.
John Lacey, Past President of IOSH describes how CDM Regulations are meant to operate, and what qualities a CDM-C should possess.
The 6 European Directives...
James Ritchie, Head of Corporate Affairs at The Association for Project Safety (APS) examines the new proposals for CDM regulations and outlines what challenges they...
The Construction Plant-hire Association discuss the benefits and the importance of apprentices for the construction, mechanical and engineering sector.
In May 2013 at the inaugural...
The Royal Borough of Greenwich Cabinet have approved plans to establish a construction skills centre in the borough
The specialist skills centre based in Kidbrooke...
Dr Lynda Shaw, a chartered psychologist discusses the effects workplace bullying has on businesses.
The crippling effects of workplace bullying, which is rife in the...