Amey Consulting has joined forces with Sheffield Hallam University to launch a railway engineering apprenticeship scheme to help bring new talent into the industry
Landsec’s former head of development, Beth West has joined Balfour Beatty as managing director of its regional construction business in the South of England.
Hudson Contract has said CITB’s levy and grant scheme is a ‘failing system which works against the interests of SMEs and favours the major contractors’.
Emma Dickson, chair of the Construction Scotland Industry Leadership Group’s Skills Working Group, examines the challenge of recruiting – and retaining – the next generation of construction professionals.
Nearly 50% of jobs in construction require specific digital skills, according to recent research by Investors in People, while 24% of Brits will actively seek a new role in 2020.
With the construction industry facing its biggest skills shortage since 2007, Ryan Latham, senior marketing executive for 3B Training, takes a look at the importance of recruiting new talent.
Engineering consultancy Ramboll has acquired civil, structural and geotechnical consultancy, Web Structures, to strengthen its position in South East Asia.
Graham has partnered with Street League to set up a construction skills academy, giving young people employability support alongside construction sector specific insights.