City & Guilds, working with EAL, has been selected by the Department for Education (DfE) and Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) following a highly competitive bidding process to offer T Levels.
Liz Scott, Head of HR at Actavo Direct, discusses how companies can drive talent and train construction professionals of the future to bridge today’s current skills gap.
Amey, has joined 23 other energy and utilities sector employers in a collaborative approach to enable the engagement, attraction and recruitment of ex-military personnel into the sector.
The Building Innovation Awards take place in Manchester on 23 October, PBC Today takes a look at the nominees for the Best Skills & Training Innovation category.
ARV Solutions has been shortlisted for the Building Innovation Awards’ Best Recruitment Innovation, as they showcase a collaborative and innovative culture.
The Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) is launching an outstanding woman award to mark the anniversary of the Women’s Engineering Society (WES).
Joseph McNeil MCIOB of Sir Robert McAlpine has been named Construction Manager of the Year at the CIOB’s annual celebration of construction professionals.
The British Property Federation (BPF) has announced that it is seeking expressions of interest to join the Board from across the BPF’s membership with the aim of making a new diverse Board.
PBC Today is counting down to the first-ever Building Innovation Awards, with a preview of each of the award categories, we kick things off with Best Asset Management Innovation.
Gusto Homes has launched a new training facility, ECOnstruction Centre of Excellence at Lincoln College that will teach cutting-edge sustainable and low carbon building techniques to aspiring construction students.
With an increasing number of students looking for an alternative to full-time education, Higgins has launched Building Your Future, a new training Programme.
An emergency motion has been passed by the TUC Congress to ensure that HS2 takes immediate action to allow unions access to workers building the project.
Seymour Civil Engineering, Hartlepool College of Further Education and Hartlepool Borough Council have opened a new civil engineering skills academy in Hartlepool.