A group of 20 electricians who faced severe financial hardship after their pay was withheld have received their wages following the intervention of Unite.
Trade union GMB London has welcomed the unfair dismissal ruling in an employment tribunal for three housing officers dismissed by Barking and Dagenham Council.
Will the Government’s recently announced exceptional talent visa for architects ease the skills shortages in UK construction? How can employers take advantage to address their recruitment needs? Immigration lawyer Anne Morris explains.
A recent BSRIA survey found that 78% of member companies were having trouble finding suitably qualified workers and fewer students are considering related university courses.
Balfour Beatty reveals the appointment of Matthew Steele, former Commercial and Development Director of Network Rail, as Managing Director of its Gas & Water business
Richard Woolmore has been appointed as Wates Construction Midlands’ new Operations Director in a strategic move to boost the delivery of its growing project portfolio in the Midlands.
Marshalls plc has acquired Edenhall Holdings Limited (Edenhall), Britain’s largest independent brick manufacturer and Europe’s leading supplier of concrete facing bricks.
The director of construction worker supplier, RBT Dryliners and Plasters UK Limited, has been disqualified for seven years for failing to declare all the company’s tax liabilities.
A new code for the corporate governance of large private companies has been launched, providing a framework to meet legal requirements and to promote long-term success among private companies.
Apprenticeship rates are plummeting because of the Apprenticeship Levy which needs to be made more flexible, according to the Federation of Master Builders (FMB).
The first group of students to complete a unique two-year construction and property related degree will graduate from the University of Salford this week.
FIDIC is on the look out for young professionals from the engineering sector to sit on its influential Young Professionals Forum steering committee (YPFSC).
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has announced its intention to sign an enabling partner agreement with Shared Services Connected Ltd (SSCL).