Women Count 2018 found that in the last three years there has been no progress on gender diversity in senior roles in the FTSE 350 – and by some measures, it is going backwards
The Construction Equipment Association (CEA) has announced that two of its apprenticeship standards have been approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships
PlanBEE, the construction skills scheme, has been recognised on the national stage for its innovative approach to tackling construction skills shortages
Urged by the Centre for Social Justice, the government is considering plans to support housing associations that help social renters to move off benefits and into work - saving the taxpayer up to £3 billion a year.
Nearly 80% of builders and homeowners are urging the Government to introduce a licensing scheme for the UK construction industry to put an end to rogue traders once and for all, according to the Federation of Master Builders (FMB)
Award-winning garden designer, landscape architect and the newly appointed President of The Landscape Institute, Adam White, has launched a new campaign showcasing the different career opportunities in the landscape profession
As it launches the next phase of its People Like Me initiative, WISE is calling for more businesses to help it achieve its target of reaching 200,000 girls by 2020
BSRIA is recognising the International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) in an attempt to promote the subject to students in schools and universities and encourage more women into engineering
According to official analysis by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), EU nationals make up more than a quarter of the construction workforce in London
In recognition of the need to address board diversity head-on and reflecting the growing desire for equality amongst the industry, the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC) has appointed three women among seven new additions to its governance Board
An innovative training programme designed to combat the construction skills shortages has seen all of its graduates secure full-time positions in the industry
Learners attending the FIA’s Advanced Installer beta course, ahead of the first ‘official’ course on 26 June, have been awarded their certificates making them the first candidates to achieve a qualification in Fire Detection and Alarm Installation from the FIA