The Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) is continuing to streamline the skills card system with the withdrawal of the Construction Site Visitor card
The people and organisations trailblazing the way towards a more inclusive and diverse built environment workforce were honoured at the Inspire Awards 2018 ceremony in Manchester on 5 June
More Londoners will be able to acquire the crucial skills they need to access jobs in the capital’s construction sector as the Mayor, Sadiq Khan, today (6 June) officially launched his new Construction Academy
The developer of the new Edinburgh Marina development has today (6 June) confirmed that the number of new permanent jobs created, as a result of the £500m waterside development, will exceed the figure previously estimated by the City of Edinburgh Council in 2016
Landlease's Mind the Gap project reaches first year milestone, celebrating the success of its employer-led pathway back into work for offenders and ex-offenders
As mental health and wellbeing awareness gains momentum in the construction industry, the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has announced it has committed £500,000 to train 156 construction workers as mental health first aid instructors
Moody’s rating agency has warned that rising rents and house prices in Ireland could deter skilled foreign workers, although there is currently no indication that the economy is overheating
The search for the UK’s most inspiring young surveyors – those who have played a vital role within the built environment – is to kick start with the annual RICS Matrics Young Surveyor of the Year Awards (YSOYA)
The McAvoy Group, one of the UK’s leading offsite construction specialists, has announced the appointment of David Clark as Head of Manufacturing and Innovation
Modern Slavery, Responsible Sourcing and Community Engagement have emerged as the issues on which greatest improvement is being made through leadership, learning and support across the construction industry in 2018
The Construction Plant-hire Association’s (CPA) Training on Plant in Construction (TOPIC) Group has successfully hosted an industry forum to help formulate a framework for the future direction of skills and training for those involved with construction plant and equipment
Prologis UK has formally demonstrated its commitment to social value by requiring all of its suppliers to sign-up to a Supply Chain Social Value Charter (SCSVC)
For the first time, UK construction workers seeking to obtain the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) Labourer card will now be able to complete a course online
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) is urging leading industry representatives to apply to join its new Nation Councils and play a crucial role in helping to determine the future of UK construction
Kier has launched a new two-year digital construction apprenticeship with a focus on applying Building Information Modelling (BIM) to inspire the next generation of talent to consider a career within the built environment
Kier, working in joint venture (JV) with VolkerFitzpatrick delivering the Direct Air to Rail Transit (DART) system for the London Luton Airport is launching a skills academy in Luton to bolster local talent and provide training opportunities