Birmingham Municipal Housing Trust (BMHT), Birmingham City Council’s housebuilding arm, has received planning permission to install its first modular home.
Crown Place in Swansea will be Offsite Solutions’ sixth and largest student accommodation scheme for the developer and brings the total value of its projects for Crown Student Living to £6.8 million
Dario Teixeira, engineering manager at MIDFIX, explores how adopting new technology and using modern methods of construction could help address productivity and labour issues in the construction industry.
A report published by housing charity Shelter stating that three million new social homes are required to solve the housing crisis will require practical as well as economic and political assistance, says insulation specialist Actis.
Peel Land and Property and Urban Splash have formed a joint venture to bring modular homes to Wirral Waters, the UK’s largest regeneration project by consented floorspace.
Homes England is encouraging partners to develop and use modern methods of construction (MMC) through a range of initiatives and the provision of development finance.
Multi-discipline contractor Pat Munro has purchased timber modular construction specialist Carbon Dynamic after the firm went into administration in early December.
Homes England has selected offsite construction specialist McAvoy Group to construct its new south-east office at the new town of Northstowe, Cambridgeshire.
The House of Lords will debate the Science and Technology Committee’s report ‘Offsite manufacture for construction: building for change’ on 12 December.
In a bid to ease the City’s housing crisis, Coventry is set to pilot modular construction, agreed in a joint project between Coventry City Council and Whitefriars Housing.
Robert Meakin, partner at global law firm Clyde & Co examines how offsite manufacturing supported by BIM, 3D printing and AI has the potential to transform the way we build.
As offsite methods of construction become increasingly popular, light gauge steel superstructure manufacturer Fusion Building Systems has achieved approval of its patented panelised system from Premier Guarantee.