Bristol City Council has identified sites available across the city to test and deliver innovative and affordable modular housing solutions over the next five years
CCG (Scotland) Ltd has welcomed 35 new members to its off-site manufacturing business, CCG OSM, in response to growing demand for its energy efficient timber systems
In this piece, Advantage Home Construction Insurance will be answering everything you need to know about prefabricated houses and its booming popularity.
Technology is impacting the construction sector in myriad positive ways and a key catalyst for the industry’s technological revolution has been 3D printing. Here, Advantage takes a look at how 3D printers are impacting the construction industry
Tide Construction and their offsite manufacturing company, Vision Modular Systems, have completed Chapter Highbury II, a 257-bed modular student homes scheme in London
Transport for London (TfL) has announced a new partnership with Apartments for London (AfL) to deliver high quality, affordable homes across a number of...
A growing skills shortage in London’s construction sector is reinforcing the need for adopting Modern Methods of Construction, according to a new Centre for London report
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has released a paper urging the government and construction industry to “think outside of the bricks” and boost diversity in construction skills, by embracing Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)
Central Bedfordshire College has selected ZEDPods, a new offsite manufacturer of low-cost starter-homes, for a development on college land which will offer 23 prefabricated homes to Dunstable’s nurses, teachers and firefighters
Architecturally designed and built completely to spec, the new three-storey, modular building on the University of Birmingham’s Edgbaston Campus is full of unique features
Construction firms will have the chance to bid for a place on an offsite housing framework set to be renewed by procurement specialist LHC, worth around £2bn
Families awaiting social housing in Northern Ireland will be able to move in a year earlier as Clanmil Housing Association joins forces with McAvoy Group to deliver new homes using offsite solutions
Leading infrastructure group, Balfour Beatty has released plans to incorporate more offsite construction and modular components in order to move 25% of workload to factories.
The UK market for panelised modular building systems has performed relatively strongly over the past 3 years or so, and is estimated to have grown by 26% between 2014 and 2017, according to a recent report by AMA Research
A sculpture highlighting the potential of modular construction and offsite manufacturing in tackling the UK’s housing crisis has been chosen to be included in the Royal Academy of Arts’ prestigious Summer Exhibition
Swan Housing Group has invested in its own factory to deliver much-needed homes through offsite modular construction. Housing minister James Brokenshire recently visited the site to see how this precision-engineered approach can deliver attractive, greener homes while saving money and cutting waste
Dennis Seal of Buildoffsite looks at issues and opportunities facing the offsite sector, as well as the growing support for this method of construction in meeting the UK’s housing demand
MPBA respond to the Environmental Audit Committee report amid claims of overheating, the modular construction sector is keen to set the record straight