Sweeping changes introduced in the new Planning and Infrastructure Bill by the government have been well received by the industry at large, promising to create "the biggest building boom in a generation".
The plans to build 200 new homes using modern methods of construction (MMC) in Leyland were approved by South Ribble Borough Council last week with work set to start on the greenfield site later this year
Phase two of the £163m Community Housing Fund launched on 17 September for community-led groups to drive forward their ambitions for delivering new affordable housing schemes across England up to 31 March 2020
The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) report, which sets out a series of recommendations for the new immigration policy post-Brexit, would cripple the construction industry, according to the Federation of Master Builders (FMB)
Grainger plc, the listed residential landlord, has announced that it has appointed Engie Regeneration as the main contractor to Grainger's Newbury PRS scheme
Student Castle, leaders in student accommodation services has announced plans to build a 55-storey upmarket student accommodation in Manchester's city centre.
Jon Stump, Finance Director at Mick George Ltd found himself in slightly less desirable surroundings this weekend in his latest efforts to raise further charitable funds for the Lewis Moody Foundation
Construction and design management specialist, Safer Sphere has won 'CDM Consultant of the Year’ at the National Association of Project Safety (APS) Awards.
The next stage in the South Bank regeneration scheme has been given the green light, with Leeds City Council unanimously granting planning permission for X1 South Bank, a £210m mixed-use development by developer X1 and property consultancy Knight Knox
Two men have been arrested on suspicion of modern slavery offences in the construction sector following a Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority operation in Coventry
A nine-metre high, carbon-neutral wooden pavilion made from American tulipwood opens to the public in the Sackler Courtyard of the V&A in time for the London Design Festival on 15 September.
An initiative which started late last year to repair more than 40 miles of drought damaged roads in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough will enter its final stages this month, with multiple locations set for improvements
Leading planning consultancy Turley has bolstered its London team with five new recruits across its strategic communications, landscape and visual impact assessment and heritage services.
Developer-led regeneration has "done very little" for the vast majority of Greater Manchester, according to a report by the Alliance Manchester Business School
Transport for London (TfL) is set to launch its search for a partner to create a build to rent joint venture to help deliver homes on some of London’s most well-connected sites
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.