Civica, a market leader in business-critical software applications, digital solutions and managed services has won a new five-year contract with Alliance Homes Group to implement its cloud-based Housing Cx and Coldharbour community care software systems.
Barclays has announced that it is teaming up with the UK Government to provide £1bn of development finance to help build thousands of new homes across England to help increase the speed and volume of housing delivery
Unite is calling for an immediate crackdown on a loophole being operated by employment agencies and umbrella companies, which results in workers having the apprentice levy deducted from their wages
WYG has been selected by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to lead redevelopment projects across a portfolio of British Embassy/High Commission properties
New data from the Regional Construction Hotspots in Great Britain 2018 report by industry analysts Barbour ABI and the Construction Products Association, shows London's homebuilders have been outpaced by the rest of Great Britain as investment in housebuilding dropped to its lowest value in six years.
Five regions across the UK are reaping the benefits of the HS2 project work, as latest data by Barbour ABI and the Construction Products Association (CPA) sheds light on the levels of construction value across Great Britain in 2017
Hong Kong developer, Far East Consortium, has selected three contractors to deliver the initial phase of revised plans to develop its £200m MeadowSide residential development in Manchester
Tubes for the first full-scale Hyperloop test track are being put into place in Toulouse, France. The four-metre tubes are being installed by Hyperloop
Barratt Developments has acquired 14 sites as part of plans to build nearly 4,000 new homes in Scotland, in response to the “continued demand for its new homes”
Construction output continued to recover following a relatively weak start to the year, increasing by 3.3% in the three months to July, however, new orders declined by 6.5% in Q2
Following continued growth in container volumes across the Ports of Hull and Immingham in 2017, ABP has announced that the second phase of its £50m investment has now begun
Paul Nathanail, managing director of specialist environmental consultancy Land Quality Management Ltd discusses how this summer's prolonged dry weather will have affected a particular type of clay soil
The social housing provider, Wates Living Space has been appointed by Sheffield City Council to install new external wall insulation to homes throughout the city.
Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure has been selected by Extra MSA Group to deliver the main buildings for a £60 million Motorway Service Area at Leeds Skelton Lake services off Junction 45 of the M1.
Retirement housebuilder, McCarthy & Stone has confirmed it expects its full-year operating profit to fall by up to 32% for the year, following a decline in reservations and property prices
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.