The drop in EU net migration has sounded alarm bells for the UK construction industry, the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) has said in response to figures published
The value of new construction contracts in July reached £4.6bn, a 6.5% increase compared to June and the first month to see growth since March, according to the latest review from Barbour ABI
Family business Brewster Bros has invested £3.8m in a new recycling centre in Livingston, which has the capacity to recycle 400,000 tonnes of construction, demolition and excavation waste per year
Five of England’s leading letting agents are discriminating against tenants on housing benefit, according to a new report by Shelter and the National Housing Federation
Network Rail is seeking suppliers to provide design, technical and engineering consultancy services worth up to £650m across its Design Services Framework
Cementaid discuss their Everdure CALTITE System, membrane‐free waterproof structural concrete, and it's use in the construction of sports arenas and venues.
Recent research has revealed that one in two workers within the construction and plumbing industries are not doing anything to help their stress management.
The GDPR and the Hackitt Review may deal with very different areas but both call for systemic change in business processes and putting people at the heart of decision-making. Jonathan Hunter, chief operating officer of Elecosoft, looks at the similarities between the new European law and a post-Grenfell world
Lincoln is using a purpose-built online heritage database to help planners, developers and property owners understand the city’s historic environment while protecting its rich heritage. Kieron Manning of the City of Lincoln Council and Annabel Enriquez of the Getty Conservation Institute discuss the project’s development
The annual updates to the BCIS Residential rebuilding cost models were published on 5 July, alongside some changes to the Reinstatement calculator.
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Thousands of households earning more than £100,000 a year are benefitting from the government’s Help to Buy scheme to get on the property ladder, leading to calls for the programme to be reformed
The government has revealed it will provide funding for the completion of building work at Midland Metropolitan Hospital after work stopped following the collapse of original contractor Carillion
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan’s plans to deliver 10,000 council homes over the next four years are a welcome step in the right direction but much more needs to be done in order to tackle the capital’s housing crisis, says Matthew Good, director of planning at WYG
Thousands of social housing association tenants are being given the chance to realise their dream of home ownership, with the launch of the Midlands Voluntary Right to Buy Pilot
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.