The development of Mercers Walk in London presented a number of challenges, from a complex construction programme to archaeological activity on site. Senior project manager Gerry Lavelle discusses how the scheme was brought in on budget and ahead of time
The Brownfield Research & Innovation Centre will bring together specialist research, detail data and academic expertise to support the redevelopment of previously used land with capacity for thousands of much-needed new homes. Professor Mohammed Arif of the University of Wolverhampton discusses its development
Can a paying party raise a set-off not previously raised in a Payment or Pay Less Notice? The answer appears to depend on whether your contract is subject to English or Scottish law
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Balfour Beatty has released its interim results for the six months to 29 June, revealing that pre-tax profit from on-going operations has grown fourfold from £12m last year to £50m this time
The UK’s housing market and the wider construction sector face multiple challenges. Kim Venau, CEO of BLP Insurance, discusses what needs to happen to effect meaningful change
Nearly a quarter (24%) of people consider a lack of quality of build to be a major disadvantage of buying a new build home over an older property, according to a recent survey by BLP Insurance
The sector has responded to the Social Housing Green Paper, urging the government to provide more investment in social housing, as the plans for new affordable homes fall short of expectations
Thousands of extra homes, designed to support people with disabilities, mental health issues and the elderly, will be created over the next three years with an additional £76m a year, the government has announced
The long-awaited arrival of the social housing green paper has revealed a ‘new deal’ which aims to rebalance the relationship between landlords and residents, tackle stigma and ensure social housing can act as a stable base and support social mobility
Could the Raynsford Review of Planning, which published its interim findings in June, give the UK’s much-maligned system an overhaul that everyone can get behind? Gary Stephens of planning consultancy Marrons Planning takes a look
Construction output increased 0.9% in Q2 2018 after falling in the first three months of 2018, according to the latest data from the Office for National Statistics
Dennis Seal of Buildoffsite looks at issues and opportunities facing the offsite sector, as well as the growing support for this method of construction in meeting the UK’s housing demand
Kier has secured a £39m regional distribution hub facility in Wixams, Bedford, for developers UK Land and Property, as it continues to grow its industrial portfolio
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.