Believing firmly in STEM provision, one of the leading construction companies in the North of England, Central and Southern Scotland, Esh Group are providing STEM centres across the country to equip workers of the future with the right skills and education.
Thousands of empty homes across England could be restored if councils are allowed to double the rate of extra council tax on empty homes, local government leaders say
Cabinet Secretary for Finance Derek Mackay MSP has marked the official start of construction at Elgin Business Park, the largest new industrial park in North of Scotland
Cheshire East Council has selected contractor Graham to deliver the £90m Congleton Link Road, a 5.5km highway running between the A534 to the west of the town to the A536 to the north
Business concerns over the economy and Brexit and a slowing housing market make for a discouraging backdrop for the latest Glenigan Construction Industry Forecast for UK construction activity
Almost nine in 10 (89%) local authorities are not checking if their supply chain is getting paid within 30 days for construction work, according to data acquired by ECA and BESA
Advantage Home Construction Insurance (AHCI) has signed a deal to provide construction insurance for more than 2,500 apartments for the Elliot Group in the north of England
Kim Vernau, CEO at BLP Insurance, highlights the key points raised at an interactive discussion organised for industry peers on whether regeneration can really work in practice to alleviate pressure on the housing market
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.