The definition of “affordable housing” must incorporate homes for social rent in upcoming government changes to planning policy to combat the low numbers of social rented homes across the country, the Local Government Association says today (2 July)
A multimillion-pound proposal has been unveiled that aims to revive an area of Belfast that has received little investment in recent years, with plans for new office space and units for independent businesses and retailers
Charlie Luxton, sustainable architectural designer from More4’s ‘Building the Dream’ and guest expert at The London Homebuilding & Renovating Show (21-23 September, ExCeL, London), shares his challenges around self building and offers tips on how to overcome them from his experience of being sleepless in the Cotswolds, fretting about his own new project.
Contractors on the M5 Oldbury viaduct project have been supplied with virtual reality simulators, allowing them to practise operations before carrying them out for real
Housing Secretary James Brokenshire has praised BME housing associations for their work in “promoting equality and diversity within the housing market” and “helping build the strong, integrated communities that we all want to see”
A recent vote in the House of Commons has allowed MPs across the board to support controversial plans to expand Heathrow airport by building a third runway.
A multi-billion pound boost to social housing across England was confirmed today (26 June) by Secretary of State for Communities, James Brokenshire, as part of the effort to build the homes communities desperately require
The House of Commons has voted by 415 votes to 119 in favour of the government’s airports national policy statement (NPS) on the Heathrow airport expansion
In a report published at the start of Housing 2018 – the CIH’s annual conference – in Manchester today (26 June), the body has called on the government to suspend the Right to Buy in order to increase the supply of affordable housing
More than £8m of government funding will create new woodlands and deliver safer roads on the route of Britain’s new railway, HS2 Minister Nusrat Ghani announced today (25 June)
Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is calling on the government to accept a raft of public procurement reforms that will promote supply chain best-practice and unlock the potential of small businesses
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.