Communities Secretary James Brokenshire has today (22 June) announced the appointment of Bridget Rosewell to chair the Independent Review into Planning Appeal Inquiries
The planning function has been downgraded to lower positions in the corporate structure of local authorities across the UK, a new survey by the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) has revealed.
The amount of social homes being built has decreased by almost 90% since the Conservative Party were elected in 2010, according to new official figures
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK, will benefit from new contract terms as Network Rail changes the way major suppliers working on the railway pay their subcontractors.
The latest CBI Industrial Trends Survey has revealed that in the three months to June manufacturing order books recovered and the volume of output increased strongly
Two new reports launched today at a national housing conference support a larger role for county councils in planning to help solve the affordability crisis; with nine in ten counties warning they have a ‘severe’ or ‘moderate’ need for affordable homes
A site in Gateshead has created the ultimate head-to-head, as modular homes and traditionally built houses are to be constructed so that potential buyers can compare the quality of both methods
Timber frame is the fastest paced sector in the UK housebuilding market and is going from strength to strength in 2018, according to a new report by MTW Research
More than 4,000 publicly owned buildings and spaces are being sold off every year by councils in England, according to a Freedom of Information request by community charity Locality
International construction contractor, Multiplex, has been selected to deliver The Broadway development in Westminster, following a nine-month single-stage competitive tender process for the £400m design and build contract
The mayor of London Sadiq Khan has announced that he will extend his ‘small sites, small builders’ initiative with £3.8m of funding over the next 12 months
Construction on Berkeley Homes' modular factory in Kent is set to commence this month. In order to make the transition towards offsite construction, Berkeley Homes' announced in December last year that it had secured a 160,000 sq ft site in Gravesham for the facility
More than one in four MPs now back the Aldous Bill, in an unprecedented show of support for reforming retentions – this comes as the second reading of the Bill has been pushed back to 26 October
Peter Vinden Managing Director of The Vinden Partnership explores how the same insurance-backed guarantees used for domestic properties should be, and are, available for commercial buildings
Engineers at Lancaster University are working with industrial partners at Cellucomp Ltd UK to research how concrete mixtures can be strengthened and made more environmentally friendly by adding ‘nano platelets’ extracted from the fibres of root vegetables
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.