Sustainable innovation in the built environment has received a lot of attention recently with many experts suggesting that, in order to be successful, sustainability must become part of the culture of a business and be embedded into business systems
Councils are to receive new powers to help them provide the homes their communities need under proposed regulations published yesterday (4 June 2018) by Housing Minister Dominic Raab MP
Latest PMI data signalled only a modest improvement in UK construction activity midway through the second quarter, with the pace of expansion matching that registered in April. Commercial activity growth accelerated to a three-month high in May; however, softer expansions in both residential and civil engineering activity were recorded
New government data has revealed that despite promising signs of an increase in brownfield development, greenfield land is still being lost to housing development at an unnecessary rate
A new way to gain planning permission has arrived today (1 June), applications for permission in principle (PIP) for small housing developments can now be made to local authorities in England
Cementaid look at some of the development sites at universities, where Caltite waterproof concrete has been utilised to waterproof and protect structures.
The Regulator of Social Housing’s latest Quarterly survey shows that the social housing sector has more than enough access to finance and is stable enough to respond to any potential changes that could affect the wider economic environment.
The UK Government is investing more than £45 million in the Stirling and Clackmannanshire UK City Region Deal. The amount will be matched by funding from the Scottish Government, making the total more than £90 million
Following three years of research and development, ENGIE has announced the launch of an over 55s lifestyle product, which will serve to address the older person’s housing and care crisis across the UK
According to the Business Continuity Institute (BCI) annual report on global supply chain disruption, 65% of the 400 respondents experienced at least one supply chain disruption in 2017
Planners from Barton Willmore, Jen Samuelson and Alice Drew, were selected to take part in the European Council of Spatial Planners Young Planners Workshop, for their research into Southampton's viability as an 'Airport City'.
A leading transport think tank has advised that high-speed rail connecting all of UK mainland by 2050, will put 'rocket fuel in Britain's economy' by improving productivity for thousands of commuters.
Work is being undertaken at Carpenders Farm Care Home where Mick George Ltd are implementing earthworks as part of the project on behalf of Wildgoose Construction Ltd.
A housing project in Plymouth built by veterans, won in the Excellence in Planning for Housing – Large Schemes category at the Royal Town Planning Institute’s (RTPI) Awards for Planning Excellence 2018 in London last night.
A 10-year plan to regenerate a declining fishing village in Scotland has won the top prize at the prestigious Royal Town Planning Institute’s (RTPI) Awards for Planning Excellence 2018 last night (24 May)
The government's system for assessing its major suppliers missed "clear and compelling problems" with Carillion in the months leading up to its collapse, the Public Accounts Committee has said.
The Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee will ask construction industry experts for advice on the changes that should be made to building regulations to improve the safety of high-rise buildings.
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.