UK emissions are expected to exceed the government’s fourth and fifth carbon budgets, which set emissions targets in the 2020s and 2030s. However, new research shows that improving resource efficiency in the construction sector alone could halve projected excess carbon emissions in the 2020s
In the face of ever inflating house prices, renting has become the only option for many would-be buyers. With reports indicating a quarter of UK households will rent privately by 2021, this new market dynamic presents a serious set of challenges and opportunities for stakeholders at every level.
Government proposals to limit the use of desktop assessments to test the fire performance of external cladding systems could actually increase their use and potentially lead to dangerous materials being installed on buildings.
A study from the Federation of Master Builders (FMB), states that a gargantuan 80% of builders, are in desperate need for regulations that will deter cowboy builders from the construction industry.
A report titled ‘Remodelling Capitalism’ produced by City, University of London and Friends Provident Foundation suggests that land trusts could manage all public land that is suitable for future development and transform it into social housing for the next generation.
Mick George Ltd has continued to see success across their services, particularly that in relation to their earthworks projects, with further developments underway
A report conducted by the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) suggests that 63% of UK councils are struggling to secure affordable housing due to deregulation of planning and lack of investment.
New research suggests many small construction firms are struggling to cope financially due to the knock-on effects of late payments and are likely to face bankruptcy or liquidation.
With a new Constructionline status of ‘Gold – Level 3’, Mick George Ltd discuss their achievements within the construction industry and how they achieved the new status
Despite the rules in place for landlords, new research claims gas safety is a ‘postcode lottery’ for the UK’s five million privately rented properties. And it’s not just property owners who are in the firing line...
Paul Nathanail, managing director of specialist environmental consultancy Land Quality Management Ltd discusses land contamination and remediation, and the requirement for sound site investigation
Land contamination is...
The minister for employment has joined forces with Build UK and Class of Your Own, to launch a brand new guide that aims to attract a younger workforce into the construction industry.
Edinburgh Council is examining ‘ambitious plans’ to revamp the public realm of the Scottish capital’s city centre. Delivering the opening keynote at a Built Environment Networking event, the authority’s Head of Place Development Michael Thain said the city was in the middle of a building boom
The Homeowners Survey of 2018 states that people living in the UK today are more concerned about property prices and availability of homes than they were 5 years ago. With home quality also a concern these findings equate to an overall lack of confidence in the housing sector
Housing Secretary Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP has announced new pilot projects in three areas of England to support getting rough sleepers with complex needs off the streets and into stable and affordable accommodation
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.