The Construction Scotland Innovation Centre provides a wide range of support to help businesses through their BIM journey. Skills and training manager Lisa Deane discusses what’s on offer.
BSRIA has welcomed the recent announcement by the Cabinet Office Minister for Implementation, Oliver Dowden MP, to launch a package of “tough” new measures to “level the playing field” for smaller businesses bidding to win government contracts
The latest housing pipeline report from HBF and Glenigan has revealed that planning permissions were granted for over 350,000 new homes in 2017, offering a clear demonstration of the commitment of housebuilders to deliver even more new homes in the years to come
Mick George Ltd discuss their Earthworks at the Upper Street Student Accommodation development on behalf of Clegg Construction Ltd. Located close to the popular Bullring Shopping Centre and Wholesale Markets, the site will become mixed-use bedroom and communal facilities.
Introduced into Parliament today (2 May), the Tenant Fees Bill will bring an end to costly letting fees and save tenants around £240m a year, according to government figures
A new report from Markit Economics has revealed that activity in the construction sector has shown a solid upturn and signalled a moderate expansion in overall construction output
Ombudsman Services (OS) has today (2 May) released the findings of Building Balance, its major dialogue looking at how complaints should be handled in the housing sector in order to better protect consumers
SmartSite is a suite of tools, developed by BRE that enables construction sites to measure, collate, report and continuously improve their business level performance to make their sites safer, healthier, more sustainable and ultimately improve productivity
The newly formed British Precast Drainage Association (BPDA) has published a concise guide to the characteristics that make the case for concrete pipes and culverts
The Considerate Constructors Scheme – the organisation established to improve the image of construction – has announced the winners of its prestigious 2018 National Site Awards
On 27 June, Fusion Building Systems will be holding an open day at its Northampton manufacturing facility for architects, contractors, developers and investors working in the student accommodation sector to learn about the opportunity for light gauge steel as an offsite construction system
The NHBC’s call this week for a drastic shift towards building more offsite homes in order to reach government housing targets has been welcomed by insulation specialist Actis
Scientists have revealed that adding chemicals to soil could create a strong and environmentally-friendly construction material to build homes in developing countries
97% of middle market construction firms consider themselves at risk of falling foul of anti-money laundering and anti-bribery legislation according to the latest YouGov survey, commissioned by leading audit, tax and consulting firm RSM
Contractor Interserve has reported a pre-tax loss of £244m, citing an “inefficient operating model and excessive cost structure” as it continues to combat a series of under-performing contracts
FP McCann’s precast hollowcore flooring has been used in the development nearing completion in Oxford. The supply and installation of precast hollowcore flooring has been applied to three steel frame buildings as part of the development.
Flood risk and control is something that should be considered by everybody. Chris Loaring, Head of Consultancy at Argyll discusses the situation and available resistance and resilience measures
Housebuilding reached the second highest point in a decade during the 2017-18 financial year but the freezing start to 2018 saw a sharp drop in activity, according to new statistics
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.