More than 2,000 people have had their say on the future of social housing by taking part in the Chartered Institute of Housing’s (CIH) Rethinking social housing workshops
Housing Secretary Sajid Javid has announced new measures to professionalise the estate agent market, in the hopes of driving up standards and bringing an end to ‘rogue managing agents’
The UK’s first garden city in a century is expected to expand by nearly £1bn worth of new homes. Major housebuilders are nurturing Ebbsfleet’s roots with some of the biggest land buys since the project’s inception
Rogue landlords who rent out second-rate properties face being forced out of the sector as new banning orders are brought in and a national database of offenders goes live today (6 April)
On 9 April Southbank’s Queen Elizabeth Hall is set to open its doors to the public for the first time since closing for refurbishment at the end of 2015
Built environment professionals gathered at RIBA North in Liverpool for an event dedicated to the regeneration of waterfront environments through urban and landscape design
The latest Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for the construction sector has revealed that the industry suffered its largest drop in activity since the 2016 Brexit vote in March due to severe weather disruption from the 'Beast from the East'
Communities Secretary Sajid Javid set out a bold cross-government plan of action to significantly reduce the number of people sleeping rough as the Homelessness Reduction Act comes into force this week
Earlier this year, Bristol City Council committed £57m to an Affordable Housing Fund giving grants to housing associations to build new homes for affordable rent. Housing association Liverty says they now have the capacity to develop at least 15,000 new homes in the South West over the next 10 years
The construction industry generates a wealth of valuable cost data on projects, but most of it is not systematically captured for re-use on future projects
Around 9 million households in England’s private rented and leasehold sectors are to benefit from stronger protections against rogue letting and managing agents as a result of new government proposals announced on 1 April
Climate change, the environment, security and digitisation are all challenges facing built environment professionals and will be addressed in several presentations at the 2018 CIBSE Technical Symposium on 12-13 April, hosted by London South Bank University
A new grant scheme titled the Historic Building Restoration Grant is being piloted this year in five National Parks, offering funding for land managers to restore their historic farm buildings
Sheffield City Region (SCR), a combined authority of local councils including Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley and Doncaster has produced 6,200 new homes in the past year under their Housing Compact.
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.