Forty NHS hospitals and community services are set to receive £760m to modernise and transform their buildings and services in the year of the NHS’s 70th birthday
Tender prices rose sharply in the first half of 2017, but are expected to fall over the year to Q4 2018. This is against a background of new work output remaining static in 2018, and uncertainty about the effect of Brexit negotiations in the private commercial sector
Thousands of long-term empty properties across England could be returned to use as the government introduces new legislation to allow councils to charge double the rate of Council Tax on homes left empty for years
Communities across England are to benefit from a government funding boost that will protect thousands of homes from flooding, enhance the environment and strengthen economic growth and tourism
The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) and the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT) have reaffirmed their commitment to collaboration and partnership by renewing their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
Weston Homes has unveiled its plans for a major new London development site, providing over 1,000 new homes of mixed tenure. The housebuilder has agreed with Estates & Agency Properties Limited to acquire two neighbouring land sites, extending to circa 6 acres, on the edge of Barking Town Centre at Abbey Road
Innovate UK has up to £72m to invest in establishing a core innovation hub to support cooperation between industry and academia and transform the construction sector
Dealing with hazardous materials on brownfield land can be an expensive business. Mick George Environmental can handle and, crucially, recycle soils, avoiding landfill and ultimately saving money
Local roads affected by recent winter weather will benefit from a further £100m to help repair any potholes and other storm damage, Transport Secretary Chris Grayling announced today (26 March 2018)
The collaboration unlocks the capability to locate, select and match valid BREEAM certificate entries to specific assets within a GRESB portfolio and help to improve the speed and accuracy of reporting for clients
A team implementing the UK’s largest concrete repair project is targeting local schools to increase the number of girls choosing a construction career
Housing Secretary Sajid Javid has written to 15 local authorities in England to notify them of decisions on intervention following their continued failure to produce a local plan, which is vital when detailing how and where they expect to meet residents’ needs for new homes
New figures from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government show an encouraging 16% year-on-year increase in new build dwelling completions in 2017 but the numbers fall considerably short of the government’s target of 300,000 by the mid-2020s
After an unpredictable 2017 and a poor start in January, February has not fared much better for the construction industry, with the value of new contracts awarded at £4.9b, which is 24% lower than at the same time last year
Can we deliver 300,000 new homes a year without exacerbating the strain on urban surface water flooding infrastructure that is already struggling to cope in some areas? Matthew Elliot of WYG takes a look
Three major cultural projects across the North of England are to receive a share of the £15m Northern Cultural Regeneration Fund, Arts, Heritage and Tourism Minister Michael Ellis announced today (23 March)
Councils across the country are set to receive a share of over £215m from 2019 to prevent homelessness, Homelessness Minister Heather Wheeler confirmed yesterday (22 March 2018)
Advantage is fundamentally a business that provides structural defects insurance – operating nationally with offices in Warrington, Horsham, Birmingham and Dublin. We offer various forms of development-related insurances and a service designed primarily to give you peace of mind.
BSRIA sponsored the MEP (mechanical electrical plumbing) and POD Technology Award at the Offsite Construction Awards last Tuesday (6th March) at London’s ExCel venue.
Work is underway for a new Aldi Supermarket in Loughborough, with earthworks being carried out by Mick George Ltd on behalf of J.A Burke Construction Ltd.
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.