Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, has announced that London will receive an additional £1.67bn to deliver a further 27,000 affordable homes by the end of 2021/22
Greenfield development continues to outpace building on brownfield land. But will policy changes such as the Housing Infrastructure Fund and brownfield registers turn the tide? David Edwards of Place-Make examines the evidence
The Wood Awards: Excellence in British Architecture and Product Design has now launched its 2018 call for entries. Anyone involved in a UK-based wood project is invited to enter and has until 25 May to submit their applications
Raymond Millar, Construction Director at the McAvoy Group and Buildoffsite member, looks at the design and offsite construction of a new state-of-the-art academy in Slough and how it was delivered weeks ahead of programme
The publication of updated guidance aimed at making buildings more inclusive presents a golden opportunity for property developers and designers to look again at accessibility
Housing Minister Dominic Raab has announced that rural communities will be given more options to convert agricultural buildings into family homes to better meet local housing needs through planning rule changes
Housing Associations account for around 60% of social housing stock in 2017-18 and also form the largest not-for-profit group in the UK, working closely with both private and public organisations, according to a report published by AMA Research
The British Property Federation (BPF) has urged today (9 March) that the Mayor of London revises the Draft London Plan’s proposals for both the Build-to-Rent and purpose-built student accommodation sectors
Many traditional reinforced concrete structures struggle in harsh conditions, particularly where water ingress is an issue. But, as James McDonald of Cementaid explains, a more sustainable future is possible.
Build UK has revealed a new Professional Services membership category with Arup, Cast Consultancy and Rider Levett Bucknall UK Ltd (RLB) as the first three members to join
Virtual, augmented and mixed reality are gaining a foothold in construction as digital transformation progresses. Matthew Bumford of Kazendi looks at the emergence of this technology and how the HoloMeeting remote meeting tool can support the collaborative design so important to BIM.
Over 400 industry leaders and innovators gathered at Ecobuild on 6 March for the Offsite Construction Awards to celebrate best practice and recognise overall expertise in the offsite sector
As both rent and property prices are continuously increasing, it can be quite tricky to save up for a mortgage – looks at the ways you can save money to become a homeowner
The winners of the BREEAM Awards 2018, for building projects and professionals with astonishing achievements in sustainability, were revealed at London’s ExCel on 6 March
Simon Cross, director of SiteSmart at BRE and a member of the Construction Leadership Council (CLC), says increasing productivity – now more than ever as we lead up to Brexit – should be the sector’s number one priority in 2018
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.