A recent investigation, carried out by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), shows that rapidly increasing house prices are pushing young adults – whose salaries don’t compete – out of the market.
Work was completed on the £3.89m flood alleviation scheme last year which saw the protection of 962 properties in Hambledon, Hampshire, where the village main roads had been completely flooded for months by groundwater following the exceptional rainfall during the winter of 2013/14
Housing Minister Dominic Raab has announced that a £45m funding injection into major community projects will help boost the building of thousands of new homes
The Developer behind the new Edinburgh Marina has confirmed its commitment to protect and refurbish the historic Gunpowder Store at Granton Harbour, which forms an important element of the comprehensive Edinburgh Marina development plans
At a time when many SMEs are struggling with cashflow and 73% find applying for a cash advance a ‘long and painful’ process, two businesses are joining forces to provide a solution in the construction sector
A Manchester-based steel frame construction specialist is offering prisoners a chance for a new career building homes insulated with Actis Hybrid insulation
After an unpredictable 2017 for construction, 2018 hasn’t begun much stronger for the industry in January, with the value of new contracts awarded at £5.4bn, 10.6% lower than the same time last year, as a lack of major projects hits growth prospects
Newmarket Business Park is set for further expansion with developments to Plots 9 & 10’ set to commence in the near future.
Local construction firm...
The Considerate Constructors Scheme has officially launched Ultra Site registration, following a 24-month pilot with a number of major contractors and industry clients
Richard Dawson, Head of Economic Development, Skills and Infrastructure, East Sussex County Council and Nigel Hannam, Director of Planning Policy and Economic Development, Wealden District Council, issue response to planning expert Glen Moore
Cash retentions are widespread in the construction industry but the collapse of Carillion, leaving many subcontractors high and dry, has brought the case for change into sharp relief. Jonathan Hyndman of law firm Rosling King examines the calls for reform
Reiterating Ireland’s important trading relationship with the UK, Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphreys TD has launched Enterprise Ireland’s Northern Powerhouse report
ilke Homes, a UK-based modular homes business specialising in the latest off-site manufacturing techniques, is creating 150 new jobs at its first factory in Harrogate, Yorkshire
Over 4,400 Carillion employees have had their jobs secured after arrangements were finalised to transfer prison facilities management and defence bases catering and cleaning contracts to new providers, the official receiver has confirmed
Mortgage lending for first-time buyers, home movers and buy to let purchases all fell in December 2017 compared to the previous year, UK Finance’s latest mortgage trends update reveals
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.