Nearly six in 10 engineering services businesses (56%) say that a substantial portion of their turnover is currently being held by firms up the supply chain, according to new survey findings from the BESA, ECA and SELECT
The Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) is calling on Government to use the Autumn Statement to commit to a programme of affordable and high-quality new Garden Cities
From rotating apartment blocks to open-sided office buildings – what does the future hold for the architecture of the city? Oasys – specialists in building design software – explore some new cutting-edge structures and how they have become a reality
Community Housing Cymru (CHC) wants a full review of affordable housing in Wales – unveiling a 20-year plan of its own that doubles the sector’s home delivery rate to 75,000
Offsite construction specialist, The McAvoy Group, has craned the final modules into position on site at the new Concordia Academy in Romford for a building to accommodate 630 primary school children
Insurance specialist Cover Builderâ„¢ has revealed that as many as one in five British homeowners who sold a property within the last year made the decision to find and purchase a new home prior to putting their existing property on the market
Central Square developer Rightacres Property has awarded a £65m contract to construction company, Sir Robert McAlpine, to build the new UK Government Hub building on the site of the former Western Mail & Echo print works
Construction company Mick George Ltd has begun Demolition works on the former Dairy Crest site, Fenstanton, for a housing redevelopment project by Morris Homes
The team responsible for the transformational Vijay Patel Building at De Montfort University, which inspires some of the UK’s most talented art and design graduates, have scooped a prestigious award
Ormerod Sutton Architects (OSA) has launched its latest project – a significant national contract with Wex Photo Video to design the UK’s largest photographic store, which was fitted out by NBC Contracting Ltd
New research by LetBritain has revealed that more that millions of tenants and landlords across the country are unaware of the laws governing the rental sector
Nearly all (92%) councils in England are failing to meet affordable housing needs, according to a new report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)
Heathrow Airport has produced a list of 65 potential logistic hub locations to serve as centres for offsite construction, selected from an initial 121 applications
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.