The Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee has launched an inquiry into how to ensure that people with disabilities have access to accessible and adaptable housing in England.
Homes England has introduced the Brownfield, Infrastructure and Land Fund designed to support their partners and project in grant and equity activities.
Michael Gove has announced a £24m package including ‘super squads’ and relaxing planning rules, including developing more brownfield and retail units to deliver new homes.
A report by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA), responsible for overseeing major government projects, has deemed the HS2 programme to be unachievable.
The new Social Housing Regulation Act has become law, after receiving Royal Assent. The law will give authorities more power to address issues with underperforming landlords.
Working with the local council's Estates and Building Services, Pick Everard have committed to an initial two-year term in the Leicester city-wide improvement programme.
The Glenigan Index has reported that construction project starts were weak in June, as performance remains sluggish across the sector amid price inflation, interest spikes and economic uncertainty.
Mace published its 2022 annual accounts, reporting stable revenues and consistent profitability. The business grew by over a third and generate £500m in turnover
HS2 has announced that its London Logistics Hub at the Willesden Euro Terminal has moved 1m tonnes of excavated material and avoided 110,000 lorry journeys.
The DLUHC has surrended £1.9bn of funding for the housing crisis, roughly a third of the housing budget, after failing to find projects to spend it on.
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The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.