In the decade since the Social Value Act came into force, calculating the amount of social value generated by a project has become an increasingly important metric when it comes to judging success. However, with varying approaches, understanding levels and requirements, has the true power of social value been lost along the way?
The regulator for social housing (RSH) has invited small social landlords and providers to take part in a Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) data pilot.
UKREiiF made a return to central Leeds this May and saw over 7,500 people descent on Leeds Dock to hear from more than 500 expert speakers across 20 stages.
HS2 Ltd has begun looking for a contractor to deliver a new transportation system and 25-year transport operation and asset maintenance contract, for the project’s Automated People Mover.
UK metal suppliers have predicted that aluminium and steel demand will continue to drop throughout 2023, following a 10% drop in aluminium since January.
Despite devoting over eight years to the planning of HS2 Euston, the Department for Transport (DfT) is uncertain about its objectives, according to a parliamentary committee.
Two all-party groups of MPs have called on the government to act on creating genuinely affordable housing, as 14% of retail unit space and 7% of office space sit vacant.
GRAHAM has reached a construction milestone on the M2 junction 5 improvements scheme, which will lead to smoother and safer journeys for hundreds of thousands of drivers.
BAM, Network Rail and the local council in Dawlish, Devon, have celebrated the completion of the £80m Dawlish Sea Wall project, protecting the area’s rail for future generations.
As incidents of tool theft continue to rise in the UK, Premier Guarantee outlines the key considerations and precautions you should take when safeguarding construction equipment.
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.