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Structural warranty — a guarantee of quality

PBC Today sheds light on the structural warranty market and how it can guarantee a level of quality for newly built homes and commercial...

Taking the Building Regulations Online

The team at SpecifiedBy recently converted the Building Regulations Approved Documents for England & Wales into web format. Founder Darren Lester talks through some...

Requirement and guidance in BS 7543:2015

Stephanie Kosandiak, Lead Programme Manager at BSI and Kathryn Bourke, Technical Author of building components durability standard, BS 7543 discuss its fit with service...

PROFILE: Durability challenges for new and existing reinforced concrete structures

Concrete and reinforced/pre-stressed concrete is and will be the main construction material for civil engineering infrastructure. Much more than in the past this construction...

Green Sky Thinking: Can construction really be sustainable?

The construction industry has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but only if it is open to innovation and change with a more...

NHBC: Building control for major builders

A recent discussion with major builders and the NHBC provided guidance and clarification surrounding the Housing Standards Review and its impact on the industry....

BIM4SME winners

PBC Today honour the winners of The RICS BIM4SME Awards 2015… The first RICS BIM4SME Awards ceremony took place on the 18th June at the...

Councils pushed to release surplus land and property

Under the productivity plan the government wants councils to release land and public property to boost development... In an attempt to boost development the government...

From BIM to FM

Brian McGuire, Chairman of the Zutec Group argues that technology will be the driver for BIM and energy management in buildings… Having worked in the...

The BIM countdown to 2016

As the BIM clock continues to tick, Kath Fontana, Managing Director of BAM FM and chair of RICS FM PG board, shares her thoughts...

The new BIM Bom(b)

Jan Phelps, Principal and IWMS Advocate for Terminal Velocity FM hails the popularity and benefits of BIM for the FM community and asks whether...

The importance of BIM certification

Drew Wiggett, Head of Production Information, assesses how important BIM certification for BIM objects is for the construction industry… There is no doubt that awareness...

We need to talk about BIM

Nick Nisbet, Director at AEC3 Ltd and Technical Coordinator for buildingSMART wants us to be clear-headed when talking about BIM… I’m reliably informed that if...

PROFILE: BIMer.eu, the new online BIM model viewer

Are you on the lookout for a tool to share your models online? Look no more. The easiest possible way to share 3D visualisations...

PROFILE: What’s new about BIM?

Nick Nisbet, Director at AEC3 Ltd and Technical Coordinator for buildingSMART asks whether BIM is so new, after all…  Last year I was challenged to...

PROFILE: Wienerberger BIM objects now downloadable directly from its website!

1 April 15: Wienerberger, the leading provider of wall, roof and landscaping innovations, launched its fully functional Building Information Modelling (BIM) portal on its...

An Object Lesson in BIM

With the April 2016 deadline for the use of Level 2 BIM on all centrally-procured government funded projects looming, the importance of standardised BIM...

PROFILE: Making progress with BIM

With Construction identified by the government as an enabling sector under its industrial strategy, BIM has been heralded as an integral part of this...

PROFILE: Refurbify: The virtual retrofit manager

Close to 3 years ago, VRM set out to build a next generation cloud based construction management and collaboration platform for the domestic refurbishment...

Scottish construction firm enters administration

A total of 60 staff are set to lose their jobs after Scottish construction firm Stewart McNee (Dunoon) Ltd goes into administration... Tough trading conditions...

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