National Highways' Pavement Delivery Framework has confirmed over £1.3bn worth of road surface maintenance works on motorways and major A-roads in England.
There is a significant shortfall in affordable homes for rural communities, AJC Group has warned as the waiting list for social housing hits a record 1.2m.
ROCKWOOL has announced that it is now a member of the Liquid Roofing and Waterproofing Association (LRWA), which aims to raise awareness of both the technical and financial benefits of specifying liquid-applied waterproofing systems and provide advice for specifiers.
ONS October 2022 figures show that monthly construction output increased 0.8%, the fourth consecutive monthly growth and the highest level recorded since records began in January 2010.
Gemma Irving, principal associate and Richard Hartigan, partner at Eversheds Sutherland, explain why fluctuation provisions in contracts hold the key to tackling inflation in construction.
The November 2022 RICS UK Residential Survey shows a negative trend, as house prices fall nationally and overall activity continues to weaken across the sales market, as higher interest rates and rising demand and falling supply send rental prices upwards.
Following the launch of the British Property Federation’s new warehousing board, Ambrey Baker’s executive director Paul Waldeck examines what items should make up its first agenda.
Industry figures and parliamentarians have issued a joint plea for more housing for older people, saying there is an urgent need to address supply-side barriers.
Wheat Quarter Phase 1 in Welywn Garden City has been presented with a SBD Gold Award from Hertfordshire Constabulary’s Chief Constable, Charlie Hall and Police CPI’s CEO, Guy Ferguson.
Modernisation works at the UK's largest Antarctic research hub are due to begin with a 6-month construction season with AIMP partners BAM, Ramboll and Sweco.
There are many different aspects and types of issues that can arise in construction contracts, and it is important where Expert evidence is required to adopt the right Expert to get to the bottom of construction disputes and get through the legal proceedings.
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.