Leicester City Council grants planning permission for a new social housing development in Rushey Mead to alleviate pressures on the city's social housing system.
Tolent has been awarded a £15m contract to build the HICSA skills academy in Sunderland, which will provide ‘next generation skills for next generation homes’.
Winvic Construction Ltd has been awarded its first contract within National Highways’ new Scheme Delivery Framework (SDF) to carry out an emergency bridge repair.
As property prices fall the first time this year, industry voices are beginning to wonder if a housing market crash is on the horizon for the UK. PBC Today explores the reasons a housing market crash may-or may not- happen.
HS2 Ltd, the Department for Transport, and Camden Council have agreed on a deal in principle to rehouse residents impacted by the construction work on Regent’s Park estate.
The Kex Gill re-alignment project on the A59 has been awarded to John Sisk & Son by North Yorkshire County Council, pending funding approval from the DfT.
Morgan Sindall Construction’s Southern Home Counties Business has been appointed to Kent County Council’s (KCC) £500m Property Construction Partnership Framework.
Phil Caton, construction law solicitor and senior associate at Aaron and Partners, provides practical tips on what firms/sub-contractors should be looking for in existing construction contracts amid the concern for inflation.
In this article, Arbicon explains how they rescued a Palace Refurbishment Project in North London, after the main contractor went into liquidation with £2.2m of work still to complete.
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The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.