As Donald Trump prepares for a second term as president, the world of insurance is keenly watching to see his impact on the US market and international relations
Lichfields have published a report into how National Highways is well positioned to help drive housing delivery in the UK, in line with new government goals.
Residential apartments and commercial units within Hatfield’s One Town Centre development have achieved Secured by Design (SBD) Gold Awards for their security features, the highest recognition for excellence in security and crime prevention.
The BPF has sent a submission to the latest industrial strategy green paper, Invest 2035, stating the property sector will be crucial to economic growth.
Clarke Williams takes an in-depth look at how the contract works insurance covers ongoing projects, protects against unexpected events, and ensures that UK contractors and developers can complete their jobs without undue financial strain.
Procure Partnerships Framework reveals the 95 consultants awarded a place on its National Professional Services Framework, with 80% of them being SMEs.
The design approach of stadiums needs to shift from inward looking facilities to places that have an inclusive and engaging relationship to their surrounding urban context and become hubs of community activity.
The Senedd's local government and housing committee have published a report titled Social Housing Supply, making recommendations to the Welsh Parliament to increase the supply of social housing.
Retentions have been a source of conflict in the construction industry for too long. Their day is over. It is time for governments to act, argues Calum Melville of Edison Capital.
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.