A new Government Property Strategy has been announced, promising to release £2b in property savings by selling off property and moving jobs out of London.
A new East Anglian border control facility has been completed at Harwich International Port in Essex, enabling the inspection of goods entering the UK.
Construction is facing big questions about productivity and sustainability. How it responds will define the future of the industry and the future of the planet. David Wigglesworth, managing director at SFS UK, the global leader in building envelopes, looks at what the sector can do to safeguard the future and deliver a sustainable built environment.
As new interest rates continue to rise and the Bank of England predicts a recession, mortgage repayment rates are expected to rise and have a knock-on effect on rent prices.
Tilbury Douglas has completed construction schemes at two new schools in Walsall offering alternative provision for students at risk of exclusion and those specialising creative, health and digital education.
A consultation has been launched on a rent cap on social housing to assist tenants with the cost-of-living crisis, with tenants and landlords encouraged to participate.
A £1.14b investment fund has been agreed as part of an East Midlands devolution deal, driving regeneration and creating a directly elected Mayor role responsible for delivering local priorities.
CMS is installing hydrogen pipeline systems at the Materials Processing Institute, in the initial phase of a project exploring the capabilities of green steelmaking.
A new fast-track planning route announced by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities will speed up major infrastructure projects such as road improvements and wind farms.
Balfour Beatty, alongside EDF, has lowered the last of six head structures 25-metres to the bottom of the Bristol Channel at the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station.
HS2 has completed the first tunnel cross passages that will form part of thirty-eight underground connections between the northbound and southbound tunnels.
Applications are now open for the new £1.2bn NH3 framework from LHC, which will help contractors to deliver offsite-constructed homes to benefit communities across the UK.
Algeco has secured two major £31m MOD accommodation contracts, awarded by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) on behalf of the British Army, for supply of high quality modular accommodation.
If a building contract tells you in black and white who has design responsibility and for what part, it should be easy to direct the liability when it all goes wrong. However, are there additional implied terms that can be argued, whether the contract is clear or not, on who has design responsibility? Arbicon explains.
National Highways have been given the green light to tackle congestion in Milton Keynes, Bedford and Cambridge with updates to the A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet roundabouts.
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.