Housing developer Pocket Living has secured a £19.3m debt facility with Pluto Finance against its recently completed Addiscombe Grove development in Croydon.
Housing association tenants of long leasehold flats are to be included under a revised service charge code, alongside other proposed changes announced as part of a consultation by RICS.
Acorn Property has announced a £390m residential development drive across the South West, which will provide 821 homes and add to the Group's £1.2bn development pipeline.
Amazon Property has committed a £250m real estate fund to invest in joint venture opportunities in the logistics, managed office solution, PBSA, Life Sciences, and retirement sectors.
BAM Construction has been appointed by Quadrum to deliver a new net zero carbon office in Victoria, the UK's first design-reviewed 5.5 Star NABERS building.
Construction of Derby's new Infinity Park research centre is now underway, which will boost industry capabilities in decarbonisation technologies and generate 94 construction jobs over one year.
Vinci Construction has developed the new East Park student accommodation scheme at the University of Exeter. Designed by Stride Treglown architects, the student accommodation scheme features rainscreen cladding panels from Proteus Facades.
Mace Construct and Willmott Dixon have secured a joint appointment by Crown Commercial Service to all three lots of the NHS ProCure23 Framework, which marks a significant step forward for collaborative construction in England’s healthcare sector.
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.