The industry has welcomed reforms laid out in the new Planning and Infrastructure Bill, which streamlines multiple planning processes to enable development.
A new ‘glow-in-the-dark’ luminescent concrete that absorbs energy from ultraviolet rays to generate light has been used to bring a Derbyshire commercial development to life.
Two-thirds of councils are facing severe pressure on their infrastructure and urge the government to rapidly implement a new strategic planning model as part of reforms to closer align housebuilding and infrastructure in county areas, a new report suggests.
Planning permission has been granted for new student accommodation in Nottingham’s Southside regeneration area, which will offer 297 bedrooms and a wide range of communal amenities.
Wates have been appointed to the new £5.16bn Southern Residential Framework, to create support within the public sector’s residential construction and development.
The former Victoria Infirmary (1888-2015) in Glasgow will be transformed into 209 contemporary homes by contractor Cruden Building, belonging to the Cruden Group.
Southwark council have approved the planning blueprint which details how development and new infrastructure will benefit communities across the borough for the next 15 years.
Progress has been made on the manufacturing of the safety doors for HS2 tunnels, as Booth Industries opens new purpose-built manufacturing factory, where the doors will be built.
Halifax have reported that house prices have risen for the fifth consecutive month, with growth now at a 15-year high, and reaching record-breaking figures.
HIS Markit and CIPS UK report that UK construction companies have indicated a sharp increase in business activity, and the fastest upturn in commercial work.
Kier has been appointed to the Department for Education’s £7bn construction framework, which will cover all types of education buildings in England, including schools, universities, and technical colleges.
SME developers play a crucial role in UK housing delivery. They are more nimble than their larger counterparts, often more innovative, and able to transform smaller sites that get overlooked.
SNC-Lavalin has been commissioned by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), to oversee the maintenance of Ireland’s motorway and dual carriageway network.
Assent delivers building control solutions on over 30,000 projects annually; our growing network of 60+ offices means that we are always within one hour of a site anywhere in England and Wales.
The Fire Safety Building Regulation Group was founded to create a community of likeminded professionals working in fire safety and building control to drive excellence across the sector.