London's Hackney Council has selected Ardmore to deliver 371 mixed-tenure units across four buildings in the final phase of the £154m Britannia scheme.
Kier has been appointed to deliver a three-year programme of Birmingham hospital updates, covering works at Good Hope Hospital, Heartlands Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and Solihull Hospital.
The West Craigs £80 million Edinburgh affordable housing development will create 425 energy-efficient homes under the supervision of the Wheatley Group.
Sir Robert McAlpine generated nearly £32m in social impact for Manchester and the North West region during the development of Co-op Academy Belle Vue, according to social and economic value report.
Tilbury Douglas will lead the Garden Mills Refurbishment Project on behalf of Bradford College. The contractor has promised to deliver a cutting-edge higher education facility.
The major redevelopment of Leeds Media Centre has been successfully completed, creating extra business space and new opportunities for entrepreneurs in the city.
A former petrol station on Oldham road will be rehabilitated into an EV charging Oasis and community hub after gaining approval from Manchester City Council.
HMP Fosse Way, a new category C resettlement prison in Leicester, brings 1,715 additional prison places with an additional cell block and building extension.