How important is mobile reporting on the modern construction site?

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Traditionally communication and reporting on a construction project has been a challenge. With the number of people involved, from construction workers to upper-level project management, working both on-site and off-site you can see why

The evolution of technology has given way to the world of mobile reporting, which has seen the industry improve in leaps and bounds. So why is it important on the modern construction site? The Access Group investigates the vital roles mobile reporting now plays.

More accurate reporting

First off, having mobile reporting on the modern construction site allows for much more accurate reporting. With information being uploaded to a central hub automatically it reduces the risk of human error. It also prevents data from being manipulated and inaccurate information from being reported.

Real-time reporting significantly improves accuracy as anything that happens on the construction site can be reported immediately. This makes the data much more reliable, and allows the key decision-makers to make choices based on the best data available.

Our mobile ERP software can be fully integrated with Excel spreadsheets, a much more organised way of recording data.

Reduces paperwork

Having too much paperwork can often be the downfall of many organisations’ ability to access information. Reports can easily get misplaced or filed incorrectly, meaning that crucial data may be at risk. Also, with the amount of information being recorded on paper, it can take time to find the relevant paperwork that you need.

With the adoption of mobile technology, reports can be logged with dates and timestamps along with where the record was made and who made it. This information is then able to be accessed much more easily – it won’t take hours trying to find one report.

Other aspects of a construction project like timekeeping are much easier. Employees don’t have to worry about writing down the time they began and finished a shift. A mobile solution, fully integrated with a company’s payroll, will also greatly benefit its accounting department as timesheets are less likely to be lost and will be more accurate.

Data that is kept in the cloud is also much more secure than what you’d get from keeping a paper trail. Information can only be accessed by those who you want to access it.

Better collaboration

It can be difficult for everyone on a construction project to pull in the same direction. Management may have information that construction workers don’t have access to. Decisions may be made that those on-site don’t understand, as they aren’t presented with the relevant data. Information uploaded from a project can be shared across the relevant departments more readily. This gives the site workers a much clearer picture of what is going on.

Ask any construction manager, issues will always occur in a project. When something arises, it can be reported to the head office almost immediately – a worker can also take a few images. This makes it much easier for those working off-site to understand the problem at hand. Most of the time, they won’t even have to make the trip to get a full explanation of the issue.

Improved productivity

Having the relevant information available to everyone on a project is very helpful in improving efficiency. Available at people’s fingertips, mobile technology makes projects much more productive. The elimination of manual processes such as acquiring the right paperwork, allows managers to make decisions more quickly – the workforce won’t be waiting around for tasks to do.

Having a more collaborative, integrated approach will encourage everyone in the team to become more productive. This, in turn, ensures a project finishes both on time and within budget – avoiding overspends and costly project delay penalties.

Reduce overheads

There are multiple ways that integrating mobile reporting into a construction project will reduce overheads. The first being that it eliminates the need for a physical place to store information as it’s all stored in the cloud. It also cuts down on the amount of paper that needs to be ordered and on printing costs.

Also, with the most accurate information available, mistakes are less likely to be made. Procedures can be implemented that cuts out the requirement for rework and the costs that come along with it.

Greater supply chain management

Having access to the most up to date information allows for better forecasting, this makes it much easier to nullify any potential material shortages. Managers can order in new stock before it runs out – improving the supply chain and keeping the project running smoothly.

Some mobile ERP software, like EasyBuild Construction Software, will have a ‘Requisitions’ app where materials can be ordered straight from a mobile device.


Mobile reporting has made working on a modern construction site much easier. It’s now so advanced, and so many companies have taken it up, that anyone not utilising the technology will be left behind. The biggest benefits of mobile reporting is that it allows for much more accurate information and so decisions can be made more timely and with more confidence. It also improves productivity which will see a project more likely to finish on time and within budget.

The EasyBuild construction app allows for collaboration in real time and greater communication with both your clients and employees. So get in touch and let’s arrange a time to talk.

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