UK BIM Framework updates guidance for the ISO 19650 series


The Centre for Digital Built Britain, BSI and the UK BIM Alliance, have updated the online documents for guidance on the BS EN ISO 19650 series

The new content has extended insight for the implementation of the 2021 National Annex, contained in Guidance Part 2.

Guidance Part C has been updated with information on health & safety and Guidance Part E includes more detailed coverage of the BIM Execution Plan, as well as content about the Information Production Methods and Procedures.

They have also confirmed the release of an Information Protocol template to support ISO 19650-3 and an update to the Information Protocol template supporting ISO 19650-2.

‘Insight into the ISO 19650 series’

Co-Editor of the Guidance, Sarah Davidson said: “I’m delighted that we have been able to produce this Q4 update to the guidance, expanding the coverage of insight into the ISO 19650 series. This represents a significant effort with some notable areas explored further, extending the relevance of the guidance.

“This initiative continues to be a great example of collaboration and I want to thank the authors, contributors and reviewers who continue to dedicate their time and expertise to its development. Thank you also to those people that have provided invaluable feedback that continues to shape the direction of the guidance.”

The templates are for use with standard and non-standard forms of contract, as well as alliancing/collaboration-based contracts.

You can access the guidance and resources here:

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