Make BIM Data Compliancy work for you and reduce your data management costs!


Understanding how to implement ISO 19650 standards into your organisation can be a bit of a minefield

From understanding the requirements to training staff, it can all be seen as time consuming inefficient activity and as a result, makes it easy for you to go back to what you already know.

With BIM Level 2 mandates on certain projects we have this pressure to provide good, accurate and structured Data, but for various reasons change in the Construction industry doesn’t come quickly enough.

BIM data complianceWhat if we could change that and help you to:

  • Implement ISO 19650 standard from file naming, revisioning and status codes
  • Reduce the time and cost it takes to train staff to learn new standards
  • Retain maximum margins on reducing non-valued administrative tasks
  • Lower internal costs on document control
  • Get better control and meet delivery deadlines
  • Improve collaboration with the CDE’s and be seen as preferred partner

These are just some of the benefits our Cabinet EDMS software can bring.

We can’t hide from the need to change but why make that change an expensive process when Cabinet can do most of this for you?



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