BIM and its role in the timber frame industry


Whilst there is currently no set ‘deadline’ by which BIM must be implemented within the housebuilding sector (BIM will become mandatory for government public sector centrally procured projects by April 2016 however), it is important to ensure that the timber industry is on board at as early a stage as possible in order to help overcome any potential teething problems before BIM becomes an essential element of any design and construction procurement process.

From a designer’s perspective, working from a fully manageable, customisable model is a huge plus. A 3D modelling element is incredibly helpful as all elements of the model can be selected to acquire information about the construction and material make-up. If the information is all in one place, there’s no unnecessary communication between trades. This really speeds-up the process; there’s no time lost waiting for information and accuracy is improved too.

Wolf Systems’ Horizon software tool can deliver the necessary BIM capability and here they explain how it can be implemented to great effect.

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