CDM2015 and BIM synergy


David Carr, Managing Director of Callsafe Services Limited, argues that if BIM systems are used on a project and have not been integrated with the CDM2015, we will have missed a unique opportunity…

The Building Information Modelling (BIM) process requirements and the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM2015) requirements are very similar as to their needs and objectives.

If BIM systems are used on a project and they have not been integrated with the CDM2015, we will have missed a unique opportunity in the development of project, health and safety, and asset management.

The Building Information Modelling (BIM) process should:

  • Create a common language applicable to all;
  • Allow decisions to be data driven via a single version of the truth;
  • Deliver benefits by using data and embracing efficient use of technology; and
  • Bring process, people and technology together.

BIM requires the following:

  • Employers Information Requirements (EIR);
  • IM Execution Plans in response to the EIR; and
  • Information Delivery Table – clarifies the information to be exchanged on a project, data ownership and standards.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM2015) requires:

  • Understandable information supplied to all who need it at the right time, known as the Pre-Construction Information (PCI) within CDM2015;
  • Effective health and safety management from conceptual design, through detailed design, tendering, construction to commissioning and handover;
  • Design that is performed by an integrated team, with all interfaces addressed to create a complete design that has eliminated and reduced health and safety risks to a reasonably practicable level;
  • Effective cooperation, coordination and communication between all of the duty holders, the client, designers, the principal designer, contractors, the principal contractor, and other stakeholders;
  • An effective construction health and safety management system, known as the Construction Phase Plan (CPP) within CDM2015;
  • Useful information provided for the future use, maintenance, repair, cleaning, modification and demolition/dismantling, known as the Health and Safety File (HSF) within CDM2015, plus the other as built and operational and maintenance information.

An example of the synergy between the requirements of BIM and the requirements of CDM2015 is the similar requirements for the EIR and those of the PCI. The following is an amended version of the EIR requirements contained in PAS 1192-2:2013, Specification for information management for the= capital/delivery phase of construction projects using building information modelling.

Employers Information Requirements (EIR)

The EIR should contain:

  • The levels of detail required for information management, including when information is required, from whom and in what format, this will populate the Model Production and Delivery Table;
  • Any specific training requirements for operating the information management system, such as familiarisation with a particular software system;
  • Requirements for planning and reporting on work and the managing of the modelling process, if required, and naming conventions, etc.);
  • How design co-ordination and clash detection is to be performed;
  • How the collaboration between contracted parties will be achieved, particularly where complex contractual relationships are involved on the project;
  • Description of the management arrangements to ensure HSE/CDM compliance, including who will be the principal designer and the principal contractor for all stages of the project
  • A schedule of any security and data integrity requirements for the project;
  • A schedule of any specific information to be either excluded or included from information models;
  • A schedule of any particular constraints set by the employer on the size of model, and other, files, the size of extranet uploads or emails, or the file formats that can define the size of a volume;
  • Project specific information, such as pre-construction surveys or a requirement for the employer to receive information models describing newly generated products and assemblies;
  • The requirements for bidders’ proposals to address the management of the co-ordination process;
  • Specific requirements for the assembly of the required model, including base coordinates and the purposes to which the model is to be used both during and after construction;
  • Definition of how information is to be exchanged, including work stages;
  • The competence assessment methods and requirements.


Pre-Construction Information (PCI)

Other than the competence assessment requirements, which under CDM2015 is covered by Regulations 8(1) and 15(7) to assess the skills, knowledge, experience and organisational capability, the above requirements are generally covered by the requirements for the Pre-Construction Information (PCI), to be supplied by the client.

L153, Managing health and safety in construction – CDM2015 Guidance, Appendix 2 states:

When pre-construction information is complete, it must include proportionate information about:

(a) The project, such as the client brief and key dates of the construction phase;

(b) The planning and management of the project such as the resources and time being allocated to each stage of the project and the arrangements to ensure there is cooperation between duty-holders and the work is coordinated;

(c) The health and safety hazards of the site, including design and construction hazards and how they will be addressed;

(d) Any relevant information in an existing health and safety file.

The information should be in a convenient form and be clear, concise and easily understandable to help other duty-holders involved in the project to carry out their duties.

An analysis of the requirements between the EIR and the PCI will indicate that there are many similarities between the requirements, and as health and safety management should be part of an overall management system the requirements of CDM2015 should be incorporated into the overall project management system, of which BIM should be the most significant element.

It does not make economic sense, or create an effective management process not to integrate CDM2015 into BIM. ■

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David Carr, PgD, FIIRSM, DipSM, FMaPS

Managing Director

Callsafe Services Limited

Tel: 01889 577701


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