Manufacturer awarded ISO 19650-2 BIM accreditation


Suspension system manufacturer, Gripple has been awarded BSI BIM Verification Certificate ISO 19650-2, following a rigorous audit of its processes

Gripple has been awarded BSI BIM Verification Certificate ISO 19650-2, the highest ISO level for companies that use BIM, following a rigorous audit of its processes.

The accreditation will open up new opportunities for the manufacturer with main contractors who will no longer need to audit Gripple’s BIM approach themselves but can trust the ISO certificate meets the highest standards.

BIM and building services synergy

Chris Bugg, Gripple’s UK and Ireland sales director who led the application process, said: “The demand for BIM services in the construction sector has been progressively increasing since the government manda.ted its use on public sector projects in 2016.

“The synergy between the benefits of BIM as a process and our own solution for building services – ensuring faster project completion, driving greater collaboration and reducing waste – has meant we’ve been developing our BIM proposition for several years and it made perfect sense for us to formalise our achievements by applying for and achieving ISO 19650-2.

“We can now guarantee partners that we have been audited and are certified to the highest standards, following guidelines and rules set out by BSI when engaging with BIM models, working within the framework of the common data environment.

“By working collaboratively with Gripple, main contractors can benefit from exact quantities of products ordered and delivered to site as bills of materials are generated by the work we’ve undertaken before the project commences. This reduces manual handling, onsite storage and waste, and costs associated with ordering more than needed.”

Recognition for BIM services

Many major private and public sector construction projects stipulate contractors should utilise BIM to ensure their framework offers best practice, such as correct file sharing.

Bugg added: “We envisage this will offer further opportunities for us as one of the few manufacturers to have achieved this level of recognition for BIM services. Removing the need for main contractors to carry out their own audits frees up a lot of time and resource which can be spent elsewhere.”

ISO 19650 accredited businesses are also awarded the kite mark after one year of proven compliance with the standard.

Andy Butterfield, managing director of Built Environment at BSI, added: “Huge congratulations to Gripple on achieving BSI BIM Verification Certification to reflect ISO 19650.

“This demonstrates a commitment to best practice and gives their clients confidence that they’re working to the latest criteria. These international standards, alongside training and certification, are providing forward-thinking organisations with the tools to help future-proof their business.”

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