KOREC Group joins Trimble’s BuildingPoint distribution network

Sam Hough (left) and Kevin Colwell (right) BuildingPoint distribution network team uk and ireland
Sam Hough (left) and Kevin Colwell (right)

KOREC Group becomes the newest partner to join Trimble’s BuildingPoint distribution network, establishing BuildingPoint UK and Ireland

KOREC Group is an existing Trimble distribution geospatial partner with over 50 years of experience. Through the BuildingPoint UK and Ireland partnership, those working within the construction industry (including users of Trimble Tekla, Viewpoint and MEP software) can now access a full digital portfolio.

70% of UK & Ireland construction projects run over time and over budget due to rework, barriers to stakeholder collaboration and challenges to onsite efficiency and productivity.  The workflows will deliver increased productivity, schedule adherence and cost discipline through tighter coordination, improved project transparency and collaboration.

BuildingPoint distribution network improves safety, speed and accuracy

The offering will provide assistance with the adoption of digital workflows through a range of task-specific software and hardware solutions from general setting out tools to Augmented and Mixed Reality technology and Robotics.

Alan Browne, group chief executive of KOREC and EY Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist 2022 said: “The creation of BuildingPoint UK and Ireland is the next phase on our journey along with Trimble of helping our partners in Building Construction operate more safely, more quickly and more accurately whilst reducing costs and the impact on the environment.”

This BuildingPoint UK and Ireland team will be looked after by Sam Hough (UK) and Kevin Colwell (Ireland).

A new BuildingPoint construction-focused website for the UK and Ireland has been launched at www.buildingpointukandireland.com.

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