Less than one in six firms are BIM ready


A survey has revealed significant numbers of firms will not be in a position to use BIM on projects, despite BIM Level 2 deadlines approaching…

From 2016 all public sector contracts must involve the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM). However, with the deadline looming a new survey has revealed many companies are simply not ready to meet this compliance.

The Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA) asked hundreds of people involved in the building sector to outline their readiness when it came to implementing and meeting the target for BIM compliance. Less than one in six firms (16 per cent) reported they were full ready to use BIM on projects, while nearly six in 10 (57 per cent) said they were nearly ready. One in four (27 per cent) said they were not ready at all.

The news seems somewhat contradictory when considering 65 per cent of respondents thought BIM Level 2 will be “good for the sector” and 57 per cent said it would be the “future for building services”.

ECA Director of Business Services Paul Reeve said the survey highlighted how far the sector needs to go to develop BIM, but said it was comforting that there is a high level of BIM awareness.

He said: “The survey results show that ‘BIM awareness’ is generally high across building services, but many contractors, and others associated with our sector, still have a long way to go to be ready for the government’s 2016 BIM deadline.

“The results indicate that while some companies have already engaged successfully with BIM, many more have yet to engage with the aspects that allow effective information sharing with others in their supply chain.

“In addition to flagging up our findings to government and the industry, we will be working with our ‘BIM readiness’ partners to tackle the important gaps identified by the survey, as soon as possible”.

The survey to test for BIM readines closed last month and was conducted by the ECA in conjunction with the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) and BSRIA. It aimed to determine the readiness of the sector to adopt and use BIM before the Level 2 deadline hits. The full results of the survey will be released in due course.

CIBSE Technical Director Hywel Davies said: “This survey confirms that whilst there is a growing awareness of Level 2 BIM in the MEP sector, there is still a real need for more information.

“There is also a requirement for specific tools and guidance for the MEP sector, which CIBSE is working closely with industry partners to develop.”

BSRIA’s Principal Consultant and BIM specialist John Sands commented: “The figures revealed by the ECA BIM survey show just how much work is still to be done within the building services industry to be ready for Level 2 BIM.

“However, it also demonstrates the positive approach to the changes it will inevitably bring, and that is an important aspect of this survey.”


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