Masters of BIM


A new course in Construction Project Management and BIM from Oxford Brookes University

From September 2015, Oxford Brookes University has offered a new masters course in Construction Project Management and Building Information Modelling. This new MSc builds on the firm foundation of masters courses already offered at Brookes, by embracing the emerging field of Building Information Modelling (BIM).

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a collaborative way of working, underpinned by the digital technologies which unlock more efficient methods of envisioning, designing, constructing, operating and maintaining our assets. The UK Government has mandated the use of BIM on all publically funded construction projects from 2016, meaning that construction companies that do not demonstrate BIM capability will not be allowed to tender for these projects.

This change in practice has led to an emergence of new roles relating to BIM and project management within the construction industry; with job titles such as BIM Manager, BIM Co-ordinator, Project Information Manager and Task Information Manager.

Through an intense programme of study, the MSc in Construction Project Management and BIM provides students with the essential knowledge and professional skills that position the construction project manager to take a leading role in BIM adoption and development.

The MSc is available both as a one year full-time programme, as well as an open-learning mode which can be taken over two years (and is extendable up to five years).

The course, offered by the School of the Built Environment (within the Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment), is currently in the process of accreditation from the RICS and CIOB, thus providing graduates with access to the widest range of professions the built environment offers. The School has strong links with the construction industry, both locally and nationally, and the teaching team provides a strong professional emphasis underpinned by a rigorous academic approach and world-leading research.

The course started in September 2015, and further information about the course is available at: .

Please contact to find out more.

Professor Joseph HM Tah

Head of the School of the Built Environment

Oxford Brookes University


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