BAU online 2021 demonstrates strength of construction sector

construction trade fair

Nemetschek Group draws a positive conclusion from construction trade fair, BAU Online 2021, as 38,000 visitors log in virtually

The conclusion after three digital and compact BAU Online construction trade fair days is quite positive – the advancing digitalisation of the design and construction sector, the challenge of building more sustainably and, of course, the effects of the Corona pandemic on the industry were particularly in the focus among exhibitors and presentations in more than 30 specialist forums.

With its brands, the Nemetschek Group has been one of the pioneers, driving digitalisation in the building industry since the 1960s.

Even if a purely digital BAU cannot completely replace the individual discussions in the halls of Messe München and at the trade fair stands, BAU 2021 made an important contribution to the networking of the industry.

Allplan, Bluebeam, Nevaris and Vectorworks (represented by Computerworks) successfully used the digital BAU platform for a lively virtual exchange with customers and interested online visitors.

“If the technology gain of this year’s digital BAU is combined with a real trade fair format in two years’ time, this will further increase the benefit and importance of the most important industry trade fair,” said Dr Axel Kaufmann, CEO and CFOO of the Nemetschek Group.

“We look forward to taking part again in 2023.”

Statements by the four participating brands on digital BAU 2021

“Our participation in BAU Online has shown how necessary and important it is for construction companies to take the step towards digitalisation in order to successfully master such times of crisis in the long term.

“The nature of this event could not have taken place without digitisation – likewise, the use of digital tools is unavoidable in the future for companies that aim to be fit for the future. The good, but still expandable, number of visitors shows us the urgency of digital advancement and confirms us in our mission to be a thought leader for the construction industry in this regard,” commented, Daniel Csillag, CEO Nevaris.

Robert Blume, senior vice president of marketing at ALLPLAN, said: “With the digital format of BAU, we had a virtual stage to present our innovations to a large professional audience, despite the current limitations.

“We thus draw a positive conclusion and are pleased with the high response to our presentations.”

“We are very pleased with our successful participation in the young, fresh trade fair format of a digital BAU 2021. The pandemic requires new ways of thinking and digital solutions for the entire construction industry. This makes it more important than ever to support the collaboration of project partners with valuable tools.

“Bluebeam can ensure digital collaboration in all construction projects here with Revu. The current time is challenging, we miss the direct customer contact – but at the same time recognize the opportunities to advance our customers and the construction industry despite (or through) Corona,” said, Sylvia Voss, senior regional marketing manager at DACH.

Alexander Meier, managing director ComputerWorks GmbH, added: “BAU Online was a good platform for us to reach many contacts and to inform with our presentations about future-relevant topics such as the BIM-based building application with Vectorworks.”

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